Snow Day!


I really needed a longer winter vacation, so when the snowstorm hit the East Coast this past week and “forced” me to stay home, I was thrilled, though I still think I should be allowed to hibernate until March. The roaring sound of the wind scared Cricket when Mom took her out for her first pee of the morning, but when I woke up I took her out again, pulling her through the deep snowdrift at the front door, and then she got into the spirit of the day.

cricket chases the leaf

“That leaf is mine!”

There’s something about a snowstorm that brings out the kid in me. Or the Cricket in me. Even with the snow swirling, and thirty mile per hour winds, Cricket and I went outside over and over again. I stepped into a three foot snowdrift, thinking there would be stairs somewhere under there, and just laughed when I fell into the snow. I tried to make snowballs for Cricket, but the snow was so powdery that it split apart as soon as I threw it, making little snow explosions over her head, which she desperately tried to catch with her mouth.

Cricket 4

This time she caught the snowball with her whole face.

I need a snow suit like Cricket’s though, because my loafers and yoga pants did not stand up well to the snowdrifts and, after a few short play periods in the snow, I needed a long defrosting break indoors. Cricket and I took a long afternoon nap to recover from our snow traipsing, and Mom made bone soup with lentils and carrots to keep us fortified, and then we went back out into the snow again.

Cricket 9

Cricket 7

Cricket 12

When I woke up the day after the snowstorm, the sun was shining and the roads were clear, and I realized how much I missed the drama of the wind and snow and everyone trapped indoors, marveling at the spectacle. In my next life, I would like to come back as a dog, with a furry coat like Cricket’s and a very understanding family. And I’d like to live somewhere far north, where it snows for half of the year, and I can go romping and playing and burying myself in the snow drifts until I’m so exhausted that all I want to do is eat treats and sleep in front of the fireplace, until the next adventure.

Fingers crossed that it will snow again on Monday!

Cricket 3

“Is it Monday yet?”




About rachelmankowitz

I am a fiction writer, a writing coach, and an obsessive chronicler of my dogs' lives.

161 responses »

  1. I’m wish it snowed where I live. I think snow would bring out the Cricket in me too.

  2. What brilliant action shots of Cricket.

  3. She looks so happy! Great photos.

  4. theadventuresofdoodlepip

    Another lovely post – just so you know l have nominated your blog for a Blogger Recognition Award 🙂

  5. I really hope Cricket got that leaf. A tricksy thing is a leaf – you never know what it will do or where it will land. Anyway, leaf hunting is good and if you can have a bit of fun – as Cricket was having – along the way, so much better. Lovely post.

  6. Such fantastic ‘action’ shots! Pip and the boys

  7. I miss the snow sometimes…although the temps you’re getting on that side of the country sound pretty extreme! Stay in front of the fireplace if you can!

  8. “There’s something about a snowstorm that brings out the kid in me. Or the Cricket in me.” Love this. Glad you both had a wonderful snow day!

  9. Wonderful shots of Cricket in the snow. Your post reminds me of my escapades with Oliver in the fresh snow last week. The snow unleashed the puppy in him.

  10. Oh, Butterfly, reading this makes me miss my Bailey so much. I hope you and your sister are well. I’ve missed keeping up with your adventures! Sending you love from California. ❤

  11. Oh love these snaps of Crickets seems to love the Snow. Yes Snow does tend to bring a certain amount of Joy .
    Best Wishes for the year ahead.

  12. It always cracks me up when someone says they want to live in the north, where it snows for half of the year. I live there and I run away!

    The snow and cold aren’t the only reasons I flee my little cottage in Manitoba each winter, but they feature high on the list. Perhaps, as a puppy, it would be OK. Only if your people were diligent about shoveling nice areas for essential trips outside! I think Cricket would get lost in the serious snow.

    Enjoy your snow days. I’m listening to the rain (and to a dog snoring on the couch).

  13. What a cute dog! What breed is Cricket?

  14. the pictures of the dogs were all adorable im glad i took time out of my morning to see them, thanks for making my morning

  15. what fun!
    now i want
    to play 🙂

  16. So thankful we serve a Mighty God Who has made seasons for every person to enjoy. Glad you and Cricket got yours. As for me, I’d love to live where it stayed 80F all year and never snowed. So glad others have a fine time in the snow.

  17. I absolutely loved your story of your adventures in the snow storm with Cricket. By the way is an adorable fur baby. I noticed you mention in your next life you were coming back as a dog. Funny, that is what I am coming back as. One that gets a lot of love, treats & belly rubs. Great story. We have no snow where I am this winter, but North & South of us have had some. Have a great day.

  18. Great photos of an adorable dog!

  19. I hope you don’t mind me “linking” this post to my upcoming Winter Woes post? It will make others SMILE as much as we did! I love that Cricket was happy!

  20. Pingback: Winter Woes? Here Are Ways to Deal with It - Laura McDaniel

  21. I’ve really enjoyed your blog! It looks like we have some things in common, I hope you will stop by mine! “It’s For you”!

  22. Hi Rachel. Thank you for stopping by and liking my Thurber blog post. I enjoyed your snow day story, and the pix of Cricket in the snow are delightful! I do hope you and Cricket will leave a caption for “Thurber.”

  23. Wao such a day! Also, lovely pictures 🐶

  24. What a great post! The UK has just had a fair bit of snow and I got snowed in for a couple of days. It’s safe to say that I absolutely loved it!


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